Any tips on how to get more kills/damage? I'm trying to get the 4k damage badge and 20 kills badge.
Today In Lower Manhattan
Is this just hype that will die down or is Ash actually that busted?
Cybertruck driver left me this wild threatening note because I glared at him for parking in a handicap spot with no ADA placard
What would Elon’s pizza company be called
WTF kind of cheat was this?!
Anyone else finding pubs ridiculously sweaty as of late? I swear every game I get deleted by a 3 stack off spawn and no matter how many times that happens, the lobbies don’t get easier
Alter prestige skin possibilities if Respawn knew basic color theory
Buster sword
[Respawn] The accounts of Hal, Sweet, and Rogue have been restored, and yesterday's account hijacking vulnerability is now fixed. 🔨
Devs dug their own grave
You see this coming at you what’s your next move
Got my dream internship so roast me while I’m ecstatic
What do yall think?🧐
What does my fridge say about me?
Why are those skins not included in the astral anomaly event?
EA and how they destroyed another beloved IP.
America… Why are u guys so angry???
I really do not know how to improve. Im getting destroyed by everyone every single day. What should I do?
I can’t be the only one tired of this BS
Diamond is the new platinum... Please bring demotions.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
We all know why apex is dying
Now it makes sense why people don’t play this game anymore…