If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
Regimental Attache Removed From New Codex?
[DFT] The Last Ride (WeeklyMTG)
Question on the new medpac rules (cadian/catachan/scion command squads) & Keywords
Prediction of Khorn demonkin codex 2 electric Boogaloo
Advice for running a list with 3 helbrutes.
I'm feeling a bit devastated right now
Ogryn - Mechanized Assault
Meta Monday 1/6/25: New Year, New Meta.
People with exsiting imperial gaurd armies. what is your thought on collecting the new Death Korp Mini?
Abaddon and the Soulforged Warpack
Aquilons Hot Shot Sentry.
Should I buy the csm codex?
I do literally nothing at work for 7 months now and nobody has noticed
Does play on tabletops make good CSM lists
Creations List
What is the worst Grotmas Detachment and why is it The Armoured Warhost?
Thoughts on updated Oath @ AoC?
Pactbound Zealots 2K List
Improvements to list - CSM renegades
Human Tide
Opinions on this 2k csm
Three units of Terminators too much?