Are milestone supposed to be met before their specific month or during?
If you went into labor before your scheduled c-section, would you be willing to share what happened?
Does anyone else feel like certain initials become outdated?
HCG only rose from 72,228 to 80,118 in a week!
Do you talk to your kids like a teacher?
did you feel like pregnancy was going to be easy? or did you know it could be dangerous and hard?
No one is entitled to meet the baby before I’m ready
Rainbow babies
How big is your baby?
people are saying my baby’s name wrong lol. might have regrets?
Do you feel like your pregnancy went by fast?
Are we over reacting?
Did your symptoms come on gradually or all at once?
TW: possible positive pregnancy. LINE PROGRESSION. How does this look? Worried I am not doubling or progressing fast enough. Pic in comments! advice please!
Dad privilege checklist
Is anybody else feeling very uncomfortable and miserable in the third trimester?
I almost hurt my baby..
You are all alone
Can I have a baby shower?
Newborn Has Had Diarrhea For a Week Now; Is This Normal?
Have you met someone who just "knew" before you were showing?
Baby movements are extremely painful?
Do you think baby can feel/tell when you stroke your stomach?
Ondansetron/zofran paranoid
Alt people on r/namenerds, how would/did you name your children?