What tier do we think Glikken is?
So, which character have you wasted your life on? Mines the Buckethead
Ranked team needed
Looking for Ranked teammates!
Best games in the last few days: All between Beskar I and Kyber II
Quinn was the most smart and logical character in the show
Returning player- hanger help
The last Juice wrld song you heard
Worst character in the game
Is this what juice meant by “the titties?” Looks kinda ballsacky tbh
I held the trophy for around 60-70 seconds. Look at my awesome score
Utooni is a Beast
The spawning area should be inaccessible during the match
MVP Hunter for each game mode?
They should probably put a percentage cap on holding the trophy droid
Split Screen! - Switch
FPS on mobile
Who’s your favorite character and why?
How the average Aurodium player looks insta-locking a DPS and not playing the objective
Highest dmg
What is the best formation for each game mode?
Ranked Mode is Demoralizing
when are they gonna do something about teams grabbing the trophy and camping, together, on the base, for the whole game?
What is the best and worst robots that should have a UE variant