[OT] SatChat: How do you identify and fix weaknesses in your writing? (New here? Introduce yourself!)
[OT] Fun Trope Friday: Weight Loss & Horror!
[WP] You’re a thief tasked with retrieving a stolen artifact from a dragon’s lair. When you arrive, you find the dragon hosting a book club with other legendary monsters, and the artifact is being used as a coaster.
[OT] Micro Monday: Future!
[TT] Theme Thursday - Affirmation
[OT] Fun Trope Friday: For the Money & Mystery!
[OT] Fun Trope Friday: Nice Guy & Heist!
[OT] Writer's Spotlight: Divayth--Fyr
[OT] Micro Monday: A Beekeeper!
[WP] The elves refer to mental illnesses as “Curses.” You have been brought in to “cure” the elven princess of her “curse.”
[OT] Fun Trope Friday, Writing with Tropes: Finish Line Trip & Western!
[WP] humanity receives a software update
[WP] “Ya ever dance with an angel in the warm sunlight?”
[WP] “No, no, no! You’re not getting it! This place isn’t just random chaos, there are rules here! Rules you don’t understand.”
[TT] Theme Thursday - Decadence
[OT] Micro Monday: Electric Heart!
[SerSun] Serial Sunday: Willpower!
[OT] Fun Trope Friday, Writing with Tropes: Writer’s Block & Black Comedy!
[OT] Poetry Corner: Jinx
[TT] Theme Thursday - Lies
[OT] Micro Monday: Isolation!
[PM] Give Us Some Lyrics!
[SerSun] Serial Sunday: Venomous!
[PM] Give us a character and the place they haunt!
[WP] Storms swirl through Zylorn’s sky/ walls erode under acid rains/ Those who lost loved ones cry/ As war beneath the twin suns wanes