Which Ghost song is this?
So how do you guys feel about the turn?
thoughts on cena heel turn?
What’s the most corny thing you’ve ever heard at a concert
Am I ugly? I’m pretty sure I’m not but gained 30 lbs in the passed year so I feel ugly.
Blue album cover supremacy
Gonna start listening to one album a day
I’m gonna start listening to one album a day. Give me ideas.
The first Kendrick song you heard that turned you into a fan?
Can't go wrong with some classic katatonia
What do we call these guitars?
Which one is better?
Who should dethrone Cody Rhodes?
What non-metal album are you listening to today?
Who’s is your favorite Terrible Actor/Actress? I know that’s a bit of an oxymoron but Steven Seagal takes that spot.
This is why Will Smith has become irrelevant
Let's flip the trend over. Popular bands that you hate for some reason. mine below
What are your thoughts on Gary Oldman?
What's a movie you love but can't deny is incredibly stupid?
Which side are you on?
Favorite Bands That Elitists Love To Hate On?
What song is it for you?
It’s so hard to find good modern thrash metal because it sounds like all the bands are copying each other.
Do guys like being called daddy in bed?
Am I that f'n ugly?