In your opinion which of these 3 games would you say has the best combat - Kakarot, Sparking Zero, or Xenoverse 2?
Do We Deserve Sparking Zero?
Do any good DB Youtubers exist anymore?
Goku Blacks Episode battles are legit awful
This game can learn from NBA 2K
What was the best and worst dbz movie?
First time role playing
Am I ugly, I want actual tips
What are some games that struggle on the PS3?
What thing here is the most useful?
The illusion of customization. I am INFURIATED at this. This was on BNEI's website sometime ago, until they edited a small portion of it out. - Namely scouter and aura etc.)
I want to be able to back out of laggy matches
I'm here to complain
What SZ needs from here on, I can't post the same thing from the other sub so you will find this in the comments
Can we please stop?? It feels like this applies to like 50% of the fanbase!
Fucking episode battles - did they patched it?
Dragon ball game soundtracks haven’t been good since Kenji Yamamoto
Turn on time?
PCSX2 freezes upon trying to boot anything
After 400 hours on Sparking Zero I went back to Tenkaichi 2
PS3 Slim Cover won't go back on
What’s The Best Performing PS3 Model?
Episode battle