Wayne Gretzky is a loser
I'd love to know why 'honorary Team Canada captain' Wayne Gretzky wasn't wearing a Team Canada jersey last night
It’s just a game, but it felt so good. 🇨🇦
Romantic Lunacy
9 months ago I asked a question. Let me ask it again. Why?
Are there are fundraisers selling Krispy Creme donuts this weekend?
I think we may have the worst weather forecasting in the entire country. Forsaken again. Not one flake.
What fresh hell is this??
If 3's a crowd and one is the loneliest number, what's II?
A recent texture preference - waffle-knit towels and blankets!
Are there any themed restaurants in the lower mainland?
Those who say they’re “happy they’re autistic”….. how?
Parental sensory overload is breaking me.
Who turned the power off?!?
What is everyone’s favorite browser?
Losing Inches but No Weight?
Can Hubspot do advanced e-commerce?
What’s the backstory on Halloween fireworks in Van?
Totally normal
Cool or no?
What do we think of this one?
Landlord said we can’t flush toilet paper is this allowed?