Made mozzarella sticks in the air fryer 👍🏼
Bamboo plant - help!?
Help! I can’t get rid of these flies in my apartment.
If you work at the Austin Riverside Curbside, what happened tonight lol I want to be nosy.
Why do y’all freak out so much about rude customers
Neighbor doesn’t care her dog is in my yard
Please stop bringing your dog to HEB, its gross and emotional support animals are not allowed or covered by the ADA.
I need design help!
A coworker kept stealing my lunch, so I started leaving fake leftovers to teach them a lesson
Thanks HEB for the custom cake
3 months and engaged!
Leaving guild
Fellas what was your “fuck this, I’m out” on a first date?
Best friend is having a baby… I googled it and apparently a few people have that name, but is it not literally the word “ashtray”???
customers walking into the department, grabbing stuff behind the counter, reaching into the display cases...
Why all the hate for MICs?
Went on vacation recently and was in a bunch of different places filled with plants and I felt myself missing mine
what would y’all respond with if your manager says this?
Pothos - Almost One Month Difference
My boyfriend ate all the skin off our rotisserie chicken
Done Waiting
Im repulsed by everything I cook
Worst skatepark experience I've ever had
This can’t be healthy!? She’s ate all her eggs!