Does anyone else think that much of the anti-Israel position is backwards, hypocritical, and frankly just bizarre?
GLP-1 & being muscular
ELI5 - Why is the ratio of prisoner to hostage exchange 30:1?
Why didn’t Hamas release the hostages sooner?
Home Design ✨️ Had so much fun
The real Israeli Palestinian conflict
"Hamas is constantly hiding among civilians, in schools and hospitals and nurseries"
Why not evacuate the critically ill and injured in Gaza to a hospital in another country ?
Is my aquarium crap?
Why are my kids glued to the TV?
Campus goose died the other day. Here is the memorial. For a goose.
Help!! This is gnarly but my bathroom sink seems to have eroded somehow and there’s gunk basically embedded in it and in the caulk.
My best friend no longer wants to be friends because my boyfriend is Pro-Palestine
conservative lesbians???
AITA for suing my neighbor after their kid trespassed and fell into my koi pond?
A little bit of everything ;)
Whats the end goal for Israelis?
AITA for telling my mom she'll never have grandkids because of how she voted?
If Hamas’ war crimes resembled Israeli war crimes, I would support the Palestinian resistance.
My today’s fit
Why do the pro-Palestinians always insert themselves into everything? What is/are the name(s) of the mental condition(s) that make(s) individuals behave this way?
My clowns purposely bite my knuckels and between the fingers. Anyone else have mean clowns?
Israelis pouring cement on water springs in the West Bank town of Hebron. This is a common occurrence along with uprooting olive trees, burning farms, poisoning water wells and demolition of Palestinian homes
Help!!! Humane Society is trying to steal my cat!!!!
Israeli settler stealing a Palestinian’s home, and tried to hand the man his own milk