My growing collection
Looking for a soft lavender musk fragrance ♡
What’s your favorite tuberose scent? Mine is Madonna Truth or Dare! Smooth, easy to wear. Not cloying at all, which can be hard to find in tuberose. Yeah, it’s discontinued. So sad.
Finally put my babies on display
Comment what perfume you applied today
perfumes that smell exactly like baby powder?
Where to eat next?
got gifted these by my grandmother! lol!
I’m going to Japan in April and I’d like to buy a new perfume to wear during the trip, to create a scent memory - recommendations?
Anyone hear of Anti-Fascism protests at the Capitol on President’s Day?
The weeds are growing flowers!
Overrated villagers
What’s the hottest place you’ve been to in your life?
How has your taste changed since you first got into fragrances?
What perfumes give off this vibe?
Which one would you get?
Valentine’s Day Gifts for my Lady. How’d I do?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
What is your all time favorite perfume?
Worst restaurant?
Tell me you're raleigh old without saying it.
Dentists/Bad Vibes from Village Dental
ladies be honest with me, is this worth it 😩
Just wanted to share with the world what my mom smelled like 🤍
Big giveaway on my island - come visit!