this is vulcan crack, vulcan rock cocaine, it isnt glamorous or cool..
how do i ask for this cut without showing my barber this pic?
Janeway:Abandoned my child. Eli: Say it louder... say it louder! Janeway: I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!
anyone else hate the "Q Gets Us" ads?
janeway's salamander baby all grown up and following in her parents path into star fleet.
i drew janeway's salamander baby all grown up
help me answer an argument, the enterprise would wreck godzilla(note:not to scale)
the only child he wont spend time with is his own, sad...
Why is he called Jonathan Archer, when we never see him use a bow and arrow?
i won the cheerios contest to appear on tng, ama!
when sub commander tpol says shes hungry and phlox tells her he ordered lunch, she says the hunger isnt for food, what is she hungry for?
Subcommander T'pol, how come she never drives the submarine, is she stupid?
ok lets say they wreck the NCC-1701-Z, and they used all the letters in the alphabet on prior ncc-1701, what do they call the next one?
What does the 4 stand for?
"Hey my 3rd wife saw you from across the bar and we really dig your vibe. Can we buy you a pint of romulan ale?"
if these two were stuck on voyager, each with plenty of time to plan, who is going to get the kill?
My mom named me after Naruto
who is going to "send noods lulz" first?
Whenever a female Klingon is supposed to be "attractive" and "fuckable", she's always half human. This is because Berman is s COWARD.
Can the IWC relax
Personally, I'd bee hella jealous
why do people always decide to walk by during the soft core tpol scene and not the cute beagle puppy?