Should I buy Sekiro: Shadows die twice?
Remote Play won't Youtube but browser will
This game pisses me off so much
Choice of ending for first run and do I keep the other preparations I have for other endings? I really would appreciate some guidance.
Update 1.3 - Let's hear your thoughts
GoT after Sekiro. Is it worth it?
Bought them game yesterday, I’m loving it. But…
Hirata Audience Chamber Door Locked
Trying to do a helm wager, just absolutely not popping up.
Potentially the worst glitch yet???
Does anyone else get the “no deployed game server for this build” error code MAGPIE-00001701?
Do the Rogue Hunts not drop special materials any more? Wyrms Breath, Gannets Saltpeter etc…
Remove Gear Score or Remove It’s Effect
looking for some friends? Want to join a crew and help eachother succeed?
Unable to progress to the third la peste mission
Anyone looking for Crewmates?
Season 1 Reset
Should I buy Dardanelles Gun or the Black Prince armour first?
Anyone know how many ships they allow us to have?
Lv 10 Harufu is where its at
Let’s make the largest crew in the game
Supply Runs for the helm factories, how does it work?
We are two ps5 players looking for a third.
I get that PVP and the theft of helm chests is part of the game but….