37 f am I ugly ok
I'm a punk/goth here in Utah, should I dress more vanilla for the sake of my kids?
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
Will a boy named Valentine get bullied?
I need to know the truth 😭 I think I’m ugly
I farted in a silent classroom. Time to move to Antarctica
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Leaving child outside
Am I opening an unnecessary can of worms!?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
Almost 4 year old son wants to be a girl
Daughter offended nanny and we're not sure how to proceed
I effed up
Wanna know honest opinions on whether I’m attractive or not
Should I call DCFS?
Chris with a word.
Suffering right now
Do men wipe when they pee?
My mom has been refilling the same bottle of hand soap for over 10 years
Do you force your kids to stand for the pledge?
Tori's clean face!
AITA for not listening to my wife and eating the wrong cookie?
People are crazy to believe this stuff
Lyft driver got into a car accident
Should I complain to management, or am I just being petty? I took these photos last night.