When the switch 2 finally launch what are all of you going to said to your original switch?
For 350
Here are some first-party Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Advance games that still aren't on NSO.
I hate to be the stereotypical new player, but does anyone with all of the fruits have time to let me come and steal some? I will tip!
Any way to save my Heart Gold save?
Got all these for $190
Hi all! Do a lot of people still play new horizons?
Pokemon Sun or Ultra Moon
Did i overpay? I bought for 250$
Playing Pokemon while watching Pokemon
Is my GameStop order good???
Predictions for Pokémon Day Presents?
HeartGold and SoulSilver are the best Pokemon games. Change my mind
Weird glitch/bug in dynasty regarding record breaking..
I'm sorry Pikachu.
Who else sleeps/wakes up next to their 3ds?
Just picked up this bad boy
Everyone, this is the last week for a February nitendo direct
Weekly /r/3DS Questions Thread - Need help using your 3DS or picking your next game? Ask here!
Ds Card broke inside of the slot
Guess who’s still here at GameStop lol
Small target clearance Haul
Hi all! Should I be worried?
Name that shell