What's your ADHD 'life hack' that sounds ridiculous but actually changed everything?
Wenn ich heute, nach 17 Jahren, aus einem Koma aufwachen würde, was wären die ersten Dinge, die in Deutschland passiert sind, die du mir unbedingt erzählen würdest?
Was waren die musikalischen Highlights im deutschen Sparchraum in den letzten 17 Jahren?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
I got these from my 5 year old son about 10 minutes apart
Why do i feel like im going to get angry and destroy things even though i am completely happy?
I sacrificed so much for my ex-husband, but he abandoned me over a minor problem
are people here just being pessimistic or is the job market truly THAT bad?
Who is getting those 5.2% pay rises?
Ask me anything and will try to give the best answer I could think of!
We see a lot of people blaming companies/managers, but what are the horror stories of employees?
How can I be sure which German word to use?
What's the big deal suddenly with emojis and exclamation marks in text messages?
What are the exact reasons you are on antidepressants for quite a long period of time (say a few years)?
What is the female equivalent of a macho man interms of femininity?
What makes a woman cool to you?
How does everyone mentally survive each week?
How do you feel about the Pelicot r*** trial in France?
How do you feel about the Pelicot r*** trial? Why do you think these men did it?
How to stop office milk theives UK
Is Facebook now for "old people"?
What's been your experience with religion?
Question about spoken English