How do you rank these 5 films?
Which are some best ONGOING shows right now
Whats you “i did not care for the godfather” take on John Mayer
Whats you “i did not care for the godfather” take on boywithuke?
Fans of dead celebrities, which death hurt you the most?
What Is Your "I did not care for the godfather" take on Taylor?
Who is your favourite singer & what is your favourite song?
What is the lowest amount of money that would be considered life changing for you right now?
Pick 2 Shows to Download
Looking for Mind F/Sci Fi/Thriller/Horror Movies
Please recommend an addictive show for my wife
Not usually a big Dark Star listener but...
Popular or "good" movie you just never care to see
For the people who enjoy going to clubs, what do you love about it?
Help > Slip > ???
Dicks picks 5 finally hooked me on the dead
You have an opportunity to delete any scene from any movie. Which one is yours?
what's something that you know you're better than 98% of people at?
What song is playing?
What is a hated film that you actually like and defend?
What is an absolute 10/10 album?
Movies about crazy ex-girlfriends?
Films with potential that fumbled it
What skins do you just keep coming back to?
What are your favorite sayings/expressions to use when its freezing outside?
Movies with badass women as main characters