[MODDING] My newest Monstrosity. Introducing the Reanimating Legion of Wax.
Every accessible card (That's Fel, Fenix, draftable, shop, banners, event, and mystery box cards) in the MT2 demo ignore the duplicate Lord Fenix, he's just REALLY, REALLY excited to get your money :^)
MT 2 DEMO CARDS - Equipments + Rooms
MT 2 DEMO - Artifacts
MT 2: Cards Pyreborne Clan
MT 2: Cards Banished Clan
[MODDING] Behold! I present to you guys. The Titanite Sentry!
An Unnecessarily Exhaustive List of everything I found in the Monster Train 2 Beta
Why does Bloodsoaked Arena reduce every unit's attack?
Remove Consume works retroactively 👀
TIL Queen's Impling Can Trigger Etch
Any way to unlock progression while enabling mod?
[RELEASE] Major update for BigOlBagOfMutators now with triple the mutators available! Includes a new Champion mutator and one unit.
Question regarding a dlc only event being enabled with the dlc disabled
[Release] Heads up! Trainworks 2.5.0 released. Fixes issues in older clan mods.
[MODDING] A first look at my upcoming "Clan" mod Fuzion Labs.
Upgrade Paths
[Modding] More Bosses updated to V1.1.0. Added new Daedalus and Fel variants along with 2 new Trial types.
[RELEASE] More Bosses! A new content addition mod now available in the Steam workshop that adds new variants of flying bosses (WIP)
[MODDING] A new custom Seraph variant. Frostbite Seraph. (A test of an animated custom character)
Modding News! Custom clan mods now load much faster (and other bug fixes). Here's the game with every clan mod on workshop currently (+ a new one)
[Modding] Modded Daedalus (and Battle) for Modding Tutorial. If you could make a variant of an existing boss, what would it do?
[Release] Big Ol' bag of Mutators V2. 2 New mutators and an Expert Challenge
It's Mutator Monday! Each week I will make 1 new custom mutator. This week's mutator is #7 Jack of All Trades. I will be playtesting at 5 pm (PST) today.
[Release] New mod Big Ol' bag of Mutators V1.0. 5 New mutators (including 1 new champion).