It’s growing all over our garden in Southern California and has a slightly peppery taste
We found Frumpy for my friend in Asda yesterday 🥰 only the checkout system didn't have her on so we got her for £5 at customer services 🥳
WHERE can i find her??
A or B
Today I cried over an apple
Community Town Hall
How many people with your parents first names did you go to school with?
My [21M] girlfriend [20F] has a creepy box above the wardrobe
Just lost my healthcare !
Name my toothless old man? He's a cuddle bug with a rough past now getting to live it up getting pampered indoors!
Did your clothing style change post-op?
Please help me find a name for this Fireball! “Miso” just didn’t sit right as he’s very feisty!
What just happened?
Senate Slammed With ‘1,600 Calls a Minute’ Amid Trump Chaos
post ur cat in the comments and i will draw it
Adopted this sweet and cuddly boy this week! Looking for a more gender neutral name, maybe a silly object LOL
Strong opinions... 😅
Help me name my new kitten. We can't agree on a name. I want something like Nox, Cosmo, or Ziggy. My son wants to name him Charlie or BartholoMEW.
GF [24F] of 2 years went into my [26M] basement lab that she’s specifically never to go into while snooping and opened a properly stored, labeled container of a pyrophoric chemical
What could my sister's new rescue puppy be?
Show me silly angles of your babies!!!
I'm writing a comic, wdyt of my art?
Uh my friend introduced me to Fugglers, So i made that’s little shit till i decide to buy a real one.
Are you religious
If I sold all my 36 fuggler show much money would I get? (Just a question I wanna ask cuz I’m curious not selling any of them)