Female Tyson Fury
It’s in the wallpaper now
Where my psychopaths at? How close do you cut it?
Should I tip on a very large pizza pick-up order?
No one seems to have an explanation.
Be safe out there y'all [OC]
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
What’s something that can easily ruin a good night’s sleep for you?
I just posted about the ID thing but......
Bank makes you call to payoff a loan so they can include a $23 "convenience fee"
Do you wanna lose your fuckin’ kneecap?
How do you play along at home?
When you misread the weather app…
Serious question: does anybody else find that the seats hold in farts really well? Too well?
From 27F to 19B: The Fall of a Once-Proud Passenger
Yellow shirt guy knows how to throw hands
What’s a red light?
Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'
Let me just squeeze my way in
I guess they really wanted to best me to the red light [OC]
New road layout
Idiot decides they're not turning left. Everyone else can go around. [OC]
I wish that anyone who gets employed by the police, will hate the police
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
BBQ restaurant suggestion