I'm afraid of radiation
Is the TTT really THAT bad?
How did you feel after your endoscopy with biopsies?
Officially diagnosed with POTS two months ago, turns out it was a parasitic infection treated and now symptom-free!
Tapering question?
Those who have used and stopped taking mirtazapine?
Procedure Caused POTS?
Has anyone ever fully recovered from IST or POTS?
Improvement on dysautonomia symptoms and weight gain on Mirtazapine
What To Do With Blastocystis? POTS, stomach issues.
Does Mirtazapine Cause Long Term Brain Damage
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma?
What triggered POTS and other issues?
Does anyone have gastritis with metaplasia?
I’ve been living without a stomach for a little over a year now due to cancer, AMA
What triggered my POTS and other issues?
How to taper off this drug (7.5mg) if it's more sedating at lower doses, not to mention you have to cut such a super-duper small drug even smaller?
Histamine intolerance while on mirt
Tapering - brutal
Should I Do Tilt Table Test?
POTS disappears at night sometimes? Also same thing with IV saline?
IV treatment?
Pots and gastroparesis - what could have caused it?