Landlines Being Phased Out - AT&T Advanced Service
Blind Cat Biting
Should I get a helmet for my very active blind cat?
Do you agree?
Don't fear having an FIV cat with other cats
Safe gated communities in and around Fayetteville
Sitting Next to a Celebrity
Your own island for 72m, but the mansion is not finished inside.
I sent Tillis an email that said “Trump is a Threat to the World. Stand up and do Something” this was the response.
Look at them!!
Beard or no beard?
Ladiess Help …. Which is it ??
Just a hobby decorator, but I had so much fun making these for a friend’s birthday :)
How do I accept help from my caregivers? 18f
Probably a simple question. Father passed in October.
Policy - Suicide Clause question
I would like to go on a cruise to Italy. My husband and I are over 60. We have taken Viking before but we can’t really afford it again but I loved it. Any recommendations?
What did your homeschool parents do right/wrong?
Dad's cat won't sit with him anymore
How do you cook rice without summoning the spirit of failure?
Pritzker to address New Hampshire Democratic fundraiser, fueling presidential rumors
Wyoming doesn't want disabled people.
Help! I bought a sample sale dress and I think I made a mistake
Dad going off the deep end tonight... help!
Need to know about my NC native OBGYN and her colloquialisms