Bojkoti i radhes!
Pse ka coca cola te ndryshme ne ks
Voter turnout is a let down
What do we already know about the election results?
Kush e moderon këtë sub?
Why the EU should use Kosovo’s election to advance its goals in the Western Balkans
Gati per bojkotim te cmimeve?
Highways in Kosovo
Where can I get a rabies vaccine?
Pyetje per djemte. A do te dilnit me nje vajze e cila ka psoriaze?
Fertility rate in Europe (2024)
Gjilani playing against North Korea was not on my 2025 card!
A e dini se…
Per kto 4 javet e ardhshme
First day of 2025 in Prishtina, Kosovo
Dita e parë e vitit 2025 në Prishtinë
Electricity cuts in Ferizaj.
Ky i Kosovës nderton rruge siç duhet kurse ky i yni leket ne xhep. Tmerr!
Last Census 2024: Over 90% of Kosovo’s population remains Albanian
Cili o qyteti ma I keqi ne Kosove per juve?
The EU condemned the attack on the canal in Northern Kosovo
Are these little things with antennas remotes for drones or something else?
The EU and US condemned an attack in Zubin Potok, Kosovo, where an explosion caused by a dynamite damaged the vital Iber-Lepenc canal, which provides water to around 700 thousand people.
Trajnerja nga Kosova e ka goditur me shuplakë vajzën Valina Fetia (8) pasi humbi me serbin Nina Savić nga Shabac në kampionatin evropian të pionierëve të taekwondo-së që mbahet në Shqipëri.
Pse po zhdukën postet kritike kundër qeverisë?