Makoto naegi nendoroid re-release help!
What's your advice to young nendoroid collectors?
Tribe Nine- Past first 10 hours review (This is just opinion and its very early to judge the game)
Figured my bananafish merch would be appreciated here
My whole banana fish collection
My Snow Miku 2026 design
Working on a Yoonbum nendoroid…
My whole PreCure collection
How do I change the battery?
Is anyone selling this with all the pieces? (Or with just the box and keys)
Art I made
Tokyo ghoul bag signed by the English voice actor of Ken Kaneki!
Banana fish cupcakes
Lil bro is not ash
Tell Santa Miku what you got for Christmas, win a prize!
Merry Christmas!!
My friend despises Ash and drew this…
In memory of Ash Lynx
Rabbit hole miku
Daiso By Cottonwood
Happy birthday yoonbum!
On my birthday I went to an anime convention and met Lindsay Seidel (who voiced Celestia Ludenburg from the anime)
Yoonbum nendoroid I made…
I don't think anyone will get how happy I am whenever I see people's nendoroids so if you have a pic of yours, please share I want to see them