What's the most unforgivable thing that Christians have done to you or a loved one?
What's something that your ex partner did that in hindsight doomed your relationship?
What's something you couldn't forgive?
If you could go back in time to the day everything started, what's the first would you say?
Redditors, how is your highschool crush doing?
What's a phrase that sounds profound, but it's actually really dismissive if you think about it?
It happened. Alter call at my sister’s funeral.
If you had, for some unknown reason, to convert to any religion, what would it be?
If he's real,God is a toxic being
What's something you couldn't do, but did anyway?
How did you know that you were not straight?
Queer ex jw , how did you realize you weren't straight?
What's the most worldly thing you did while you were still in?
How did you know you didn't believe anymore?
Why do Christian songs sound weirdly vague?
Did you ever feel like something was wrong, but couldn't pinpoint why?
What's a indie/rock upbeat song with catchy music, nice lyrics and a important message?
What's the most unbelievably fucked up stuff you heard in the kingdom hall?
What's the weirdest thing you believed at the time?
Did you ever feel guilty for no reason?
Question: How do you stop feeling guilty?
What's the reason you left?
What's the first doubt you ever had?
What's the weirdest thing you believed?