No, Zoloft actually makes me feel everything again
Does anyone else feel bad at night?
what's a song everyone loves but you don't like?
What’s the one anxiety physical symptom you have consistently which doesn’t go away?
Anyone's anxiety got worse week 5/6?
Is this even real?
Anyone currently on zoloft that also is a highly sensitive person?
Zoloft and constant overstimulation?
What are people honest opinions about this movie?
zoloft + autism
Zoloft works great for me, but my doctor wants me to try tappering off. Has anyone else experienced this?
My wife says I “have a type” after I showed her my Top 25
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
panic attacks from weed
What is everyone playing this weekend?
Stopped zoloft after 2 days / will my libido come back?
Name: Chris Salvatore, Actor, USA. From the Eating Out series
Best scene where the music takes over.
I fucking hate the brain zaps when I miss a dose
First time on ssri’s—sos!!
would it look better hairless?
To those with PTSD
Caffeine is poison to me. Anyone else feel the same way?
What is your Britney Spears “deep cut?”
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
Do you sometimes also take one more pill when overwhelmed?