Tira Quote For The Week
Mitsurugi x Taki (Jared789)
Who's a dev team you'd like to see the series outsourced to?
So with Namco potentially licensing out the franchise, does this mean Project Soul is dead?
Post your Soul Calibur Hot Takes!
Say something negative about the metal gear series
Best Nightmare alternate costume?
Truly the centrist of all time
I think that due to being Soul Edge’s pawn before Siegried, Cervantes was the original Nightmare before being defeated by Sophitia and Taki. Once Siegried frees himself of Soul Edge, Cervantes will have that role and the manual of Nightmare back.
I wanted to buy snake eater when it will realese but i never played any game in the series which one would you recomend ?
I'm planning on drawing Soul Blade Sophitia. Trying to think of a fun pose.
Namco X Capcom: Taki & Waya Hime By Otari7902
Hey, I'm working on a Soulcalibur themed event, I made the opening for it posing the characters and a lot of post-production, what do you all think?
This just confirms what we all know after hours of *ahem "research". Source : Project Soul.
It's Well Known That Soul Calibur V Is Seen As A "Bad Future" By Both Fans And The Devs Alike As Shown In Soul Calibur VI. Seeing How SCVI Started A New Timeline That Follows, But Slightly Alters History. Of These Choices Which Bad Outcome Would You Want Changed The Most? (Poll Contains Spoilers)PT2
Who would have a harder time swapped
Do you associate MGS2 more with red or blue?
Curious what do you preffer over Re3 remake than Re2 Remake?
Hwang on SC6?
Low graphics on SC6 PS5 version?
It's Well Known That Soul Calibur V Is Seen As A "Bad Future" By Both Fans And The Devs Alike As Shown In Soul Calibur VI. Seeing How SCVI Started A New Timeline That Follows, But Slightly Alters History. Of These Choices Which Bad Outcome Would You Want Changed The Most? (Poll Contains Spoilers)PT1
What is each protagonists best game?