You. Must. Paint. Two. Thin. Coats.
There are no one thick coats of paint in Ba Sing Se
Tfw you cause a diplomatic incident
She’s not a troll, she’s my wife!
Marius Leitdorf! Got this guy the day of release, lost him for years, and now he's finally painted!
A Knight of the Realm
“Troll! Troll! It’s a troll!
Tfw the halflings refuse to build the bridges
Gods forbid a woman participates in gladiator matches.
Marius Leitdorf is
More Dwarf, less hate.
Marius Leitdorf is one mad lad
Gods forbid a woman moves up in her career.
Is my painting decent?
I only use a single thick coat of paint.
I only ever use one coat of paint.
I made a Tomb Prince(ess) for my Tomb kings
Visualizing in the mirror the man I want to become
The man I want to become
Visualizing the man I want to become
You’re just a cheap knock off
Hating Age of Sigmar isn’t a Hobby
The ship must always have a captain
Part of the crew, part of the ship.
I have a hobby.