What does 'low', 'med', and 'high' dif actually mean?
Most downvoted comment of the entire reddit history
Voter intimidation now legal in Jacksonville
If you’ve never driven in icy or snowy conditions, stay home tomorrow. For your own safety.
I remember when Trump won in 2016. His victory feels darker this time.
Guy slaps a reporter who was live on air
Good places to rent kayaks
Security guard
Why do we yawn when we see someone else yawning? Is it empathy, or is it some kind of involuntary reflex?
Final Updates: My (41m) wife (41f) kissed another man on a night out. I wasn’t bothered and now she’s causing issues over it.
Skipping grades no matter how smart a child is hurts them
Realistically how long do you think to green log
Public reaction to Rick Sanchez portal gun in real life?
What a great deal for £100
Sunday was my 40th, and this happened.. just unreal, I’m still in the clouds
Niantic name filter shenanigans
[MM] Name a sadder moment
Greatest show for a reason
What will you say?
I'm not leaving without the pants
Paid $700 for a known osrs crafty person for goods and haven't received goods or communication. Scared I might have been scammed irl.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... done!
Bret Baier Says He 'Made a Mistake' after Kamala Harris called him out for deceptively editing video during Fox interview
Hold my catnip while I nail this jump
Do people actually get mad at the use of the word “retard”?