Trading, lf in description. I also have a mega Nessie ft
Trading. Lf in description. The 2 goose and lemur and nft.
For other exotics kinda want candyfloss, undead, ccbd, many mac gone. 2 and 3 slide rly picky with and only for exotics op.
Should I do this??
Trading these, LF in description. Favorites are nft. If for mega exos, I have neons crows and neons frosts.
Trading these for good offers
Trading these for LF in descrip
Lf offers. Most favorited are NFT but a good enough offer may persuade me. LF in description but im taking anything.
Trading, Lf in descrip. Favorites are NFT
Which one should I accept
Who’s a good pick here?
Looking to downgrade or upgrade these for exotics
If I could get someone to do this, should I?
Looking for in description
Should I Do This?
Anyone have a no pot neon hedge? And have adds for any of these? One is newborn.