My first backcap in ranked after 6 years of playing - and it's on Torb of course
First time riding the Wuppertal Schwebebahn (suspension railway from 1902)
Ah yes, my favorite psychdelics
Together, they are... The Kessoku 4
My name is Futaba Akane and I will work here starting today
I am Futaba Akane and from today on I will work here [Original]
Männer sehen nur meinen Körper und nicht mich
I wish if they gave Zen a mythic weapon it would be something like this (or a void orb)
Endorsement Level 4 no longer has a missing pixel!
Are videogame bullets "solid objects"?
I'm afraid my fetish has made me undateable
Le Sserafim skins
ELI5: how energy consumption works?
Any advice for the sprays I still need?
About to buy my 6th ultimate weapon
UW Confirmation button please
TikTok has ruined healthy relationships
Did the guild reward cycle just change from 1 to 2 weeks?
Memoricoa [VTuber]
Suggestion - player profile
Can we get asked for conformation when buying workshop upgrades?