help me remove this car?
2 month post op, checking in on progress and one problem area
One side looking thinner 15 days in?
Scab removal day! How we looking?
Normal to see gap like this?
When can I smoke weed again?
Hairline Slightly Uneven?
Always remember, we ain't sheep. We know what's coming.
30F recently noticed this indentation in the center of my forehead. I've never seen anything like it. Anyone experienced this?
Payed off my car
Holdings to reach $1m
401k loan to buy xrp
Not selling until this hits 10K.
Woke up 2 weeks ago with random dent in forehead
Day 90 vs Day 180 -- 4.5k grafts by IdealOfMed, Dr Turan in Istanbul Turkey
5200 grafts , 10 days post op , just removed the scabs , what do you guys think ?
probz the last bald pic of me ever.
Do I have a shot here?
Why do people take oral fin when topical works better?
Beard after HT
2-stage operation thoughts
Norwood 5/6 opinions please!
Hims Spray
Dr. Pekiner - 1318 grafts - Day 124
Should we manage our expectations?