I'm super interested in what a fandom with a main character like orel will say to this. This is gonna be good.
I ask, what is your favourite song in the show?
Are you beating him?
Muslim gets mad at Ex Muslim for eating Bacon
Best thing on tv. Where are you guys at on “Common Side Effects”?
Give me some hot takes and I'll rank them tomorrow
Examples of Krusty being a terrible entertainer
Since Donald Trump retook the White House, many have been pining for the days when American presidents, such as Barack Obama, ran the country supposedly without causing scandals. This is wishful and naive thinking, at best.
Most unhinged Simpsons profanity?
What’s this animal seen in [PV region of Mexico]?
They Just Plain Sucked! I’ve Seen Teams Suck Before But They Were The Suckiest Bunch Of Sucks That Ever Sucked.
Huge collection of MAGAots reactions to the Gaza video
Butt to butt - infinity fart?
Built €3600 PC and now I play only Dota 2
Best Simpsons Episode?
Am I the only person who has "Brother's Egg" as one of their all time favourite episodes?
"Why is obesity such a problem?" I don't know maybe if the healthy options weren't SO DAMN EXPENSIVE!
True Gamer Moment:
to trash-talk Canada
"You cannot have a country without children": North Dakota Rep Bill Tveit pushes through North Dakota resolution calling for outlawing same-sex marriage, defining marriage on the basis of "conception and birth"
You love to see it
For how long is it okay to eat a pasta dish I made 2 minutes ago?
Ahh, TV respects me. It laughs WITH me, not AT me.