Losing elo for dodging, good or bad change?
Guys, please look at my friend's art I commissioned! It's my V and Judy(main reference on the next slide)
Fanart of Judy and my V!
It's so funny that Reed's first two skins in Rivals is him at his worst, then at his best
A lot of people seem to be under the impression that the only counter to dive is to play Namor.
Why is Bonnie Paired up with Mandy so often, am I missing something?
Let’s switch things up who do you not want in Marvel Rivals
Galacta should be visible more places in game, like the shop, because she's a cutie patootie.
Please remove it from ranked
This sub isn't ready for Emma Frost and a possibility of her hellfire skin
Remember the time Ant-Man killed Hulk
Are skins really sold on discount, or is this where they make it seem like you're getting a deal when they are selling for regular price?
Mileena in the previous timeline could have been good if Kitana wasn’t such a b1tch to her.
Why is everyone complaining on supercell ?
I made a Cyberpunk crossword!
No way they added this
Guess my top artist.
Impractical Jokers vs The Marx Brothers
Pls give us back the old announcer lol (PRO rank up sfx)
Thoughts on the rocks being a shell for something super powerful?
Portals are Not as easy as you think
Imagine making Silk and then deciding to make her all over again
Just when you think ranked is fixed
The thing lord finally