being a thug and glue sniffing, on public transport.
Ruining a podcast
Moaning beatboxing accordion
Refund request
Black bear surprisingly calm freakout
Tony Khan has released a statement regarding Max Caster’s comments surrounding Drew Gulak
Unpleasant surprise at SeaWorld
Jim's thoughts on Taker and Kane endorsing Trump
Spitters are quitters
In an altercation in China, people spit at each other to avoid legal issues... not this man
Freak out at the mall
Everything gets removed for low effort?
Everything gets removed for low effort
Undertaker's podcast is going to have Trump as a guest on an upcoming episode
According to Reddit everyone who acts slightly weird in a video is "on meth"
Replying “this” should get your comment deleted
Children running in restaurants
The average man hates women much more than thr most misandric woman hates men
Meltzer on AEW TV Deal: “A lot of dumb-shits got really exposed.”
Lady gets caught shoplifting so she destroys the store and has a freakout in front of her own child.