Вопрос к тем, кто переехал в Петербург в последние 3-6 месяцев
Hi is alive...... mostly :)
Old sign
Garmin reboots during jump rope activity | SW v20.16
Almost there 😀....... Only gaskets I didn't have for a full case up rebuild is the injector Orings. Guess which seal is leaking like a screen door ? Another day of owning Vintage. Keep em on the road gang ! 👍🏼👍🏼
Stuck on 46, wanna push more.
Waiting for season
Upgrade from my old 6x PRO to new one 7x PRO.
Ran my longest run and fastest half marathon (1:42:00) today!
Running real
Fastest 5k
What's with the size obsession?
Finally not poor anymore
Is this too big for me?
Some runnig progress in 4 zone
My Buell XB12 STT
Just rolling through city
Warm day
Fireblade day
Some parking shots
Josephine my XB12ss\x
Season ending
A few rides more, and it's over for 2024 season
Season 2024 closed
Sunset ride