Yet another stickerbomb
Banana Man at the fountain
Vaginoplasty/bottom surgery at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto or GRS in Montreal?
Maylethal [Guilty Gear]
Rocketry clubs in toronto?
Map of Moonshae
Cat nail split in half with a smaller nail growing out of it?
Made my first hitbox!
Portable Dishwasher Pipe Extension
Successful L3 cert
Adding weight to rocket: nose only or even distribution?
Try to REVERSE sell me your main
how does on campus residency work?
Little bug next to washed dishes. Any clue? Probably don’t want these in my house?
A tale as old as time
Housing and Food Survey
girl skittles (remade but better)
I posted on here a couple years ago about getting putting on nail polish for the first time as a boy, I’m a girl now and it’s just so crazy to me and also so heartening to see all of the positive and compassionate responses from those years ago.
oh to be a murderous science robot (whos a girl!)
The toy that never ends.
On the topic of Money and Men™️ between a transfemme and a nonbinary pal
Playing around with Gears and Hobby Gearmotor