WTW for a person who has all the qualities for something but lacks confidence
At what age were you expected to start cooking?
What would be your reaction to finding out there will be a season 7
I find the name Carrot Cake misleading
The episode Mr Peanutbutters house collapsed…
Did realizing you’re a lesbian change how you viewed your body?
ITAW for when people think a circumstance is a bigger deal than it actually is because of the internet?
How long does it take u to watch this series start to finish?
DAE sometimes wake up with their head/jaw shaking aggressively for like 10–20 seconds?
Subliminals app is finally here
Who is the funniest side character to you?
What realistically happens at a sleepover?
What age would someone have to be before you would recommend this show?
what matters more- 2000 daily cal intake or the actual nutrients?
What Game Do You Wish Cory Played/Completed?
Why do so many subs feature Kpop music?
What about the 1st season do people not like?
What is your most successful response to turning down a man?
ITAW for awful/terrible/horrible
ITAW for the opposite or imposter syndrome?
WTW for someone who is the weakest member of a collective?
I don’t think men actually like women. They like the idea of us.
I’m a “floater“ in my dreams
To the lesbians out there, which one would you date?
What has been the most stubborn result you’ve been trying to receive?