Hard to deal with other people?
Cried really hard tonight
How long does the darkness last?
So is it futile to try to change what my inner roommate says?
Deep Seated Bitterness
What is your opinion on challenging thoughts?
The inner voice is not you.
Killing myself as a gift to the people around me! ✌️
What is happening? Horrible intrusive thoughts
This shit is pissing me off
How was it coming off Accutane?
Does anyone else’s ocd come and go?
Advice on distressing thoughts?
What are your pet peeves as a bus driver?
Why do I always lose the now?
Pain body advice?
I recovered from OCD. AMA
Processing guilt/shame?
Accepting my thoughts (real event)
i accepted it
I just found out my therapist is a trump supporter
Stick with it!
Eckhart’s Teachings only work when I am on antidepressants
Really want to eat bananas but....
Really struggling…