Choose 2 words, then I'll merge them into a superpower
What passive powers would you like to have or find interesting?
MY TURN! Throw 3 to 5 of whatever you want into the cauldron and I will make you a superpower (also a drawback)
Choose 2 words / powers, and I'll merge them into a superpower
Random Superpower
Tell me 2 superpowers, and I'll make a name and a logo for a superhero with those powers
What do i call this superpower
Some suggestions with this idea?
Chew get a power. What do you get?
Bonus points if we make this into one big guessing game.
If you could have one SINGULAR power what would it be?
Superpower based in the last song, you listen to
Give me THE most overpowered abilities you can think of! (Read body text pls)
Pick an OP superpower, and other people will tell you why it's actually garbage
Another super power post
What's a power that's good for s*x
Pick yourself a superpower and I'll give you your second superpower
Can you beat Goku tho?
Wanted to do something a little different, but still wanted to make powers for fun lol
Sono io che non approccio nella maniera giusta?
La mia mostrificazione
What opinion will have you be like this?
Requisiti nelle relazioni?
Che ne pensate?
Ci siamo fidanzati.