Ever got any moments when you're putting on the pod as background noise but then one of the boys say something out of pocket that makes you go "???"
Drake the type of guy to have his very own special episode
Drake the type of Thieving Teddy to rob someone like this
Does anyone else die laughing when the boys impersonate Jesse Ventura and go “fuck you mcmahon” or “McMahon fuck you”
[Favorite Trope] I have no other options (AKA: Characters who self-destruct)
Say something nice about the current DPW Champion. (And who you'd like to dethrone them!)
saw a dude at school today in fucking hogan shorts
Interesting signs of cut or alternate ideas still left in a story or video game
Kids cartoons getting quite dark, but in a deep way rather than creepy.
And now, a very important announcement…
Someone tell me what J.R is thinking right here
Do you accept the ring general's offer?
When Someone Is Outed As Just A Really Awful Person After They Already Died
Why were the Shout Outs so good this week
Favorite Lie Hulk Hogan Has Told?
In Titanic (1997) Jack Dawson says "I'm the king of the world!' This is a reference to Titanic (1997) where Jack Dawson says "I'm king of the world!"
What a memorable night. When Andre the Giant won the world tag team championship
Who Would you Vote for in 2008 + State you live in (I will make this map)
When I forget where I am and hit that zaza inside Logan Square Auditorium
Characters who died many times
Non-horror characters that freaked you out as a child
When the fans start cheering because an innocent kid fucking dies