I’m deleting Reddit, bye.
meus posts então sendo censurados, então isso é um adeus.
What is the newest screenshot yoy have taken?
I finally done watching Revenge of The Sith and the prequel trilogy as a whole. This finale was... ABSOLUTE CINEMA!
shupaku - part 5 ( essa é a última)
Things from non-horror media that genuinely scared you unironically.
What do I do in this position? (I'm black.)
Just a normal thing to bring up in sex ed
Losercity joy
Who would you hire to kill the whiny brat?
where do i put this absolute gem
Make the comment section look like Dutch's search history.
Weezer Fans
Quarry Junction is afraid
What is one thing you're going to miss from GOT knowing it won't be in GOY?
Millenials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are cooked
i love this shirt so bad
who else loves the pirate hat?
Hands-down, the most epic and dramatic ending in the entire series.
Call any fallout protagonist
Characters who went through horrible/unfortunate transformations.