[Men Only] Would you be willing to sell your dirty underwear for $500 a pair?
For those of you who consider yourself religious, how do you not think it’s a cult?
Would it be unethical for virtual reality tech to develop a VR experience so realistic and convincing (Think SAO), that unethical decisions can be made in this hyper realistic game?
How do people not develop feelings during random hookups and the like?
Tell us JUST ONE buff you'd give to YOUR character in season 2 and justify why, I'll go first...
People who use “ideology” to mean “any beliefs and values I personally disagree with.”
If "Hot Girl Summer" means living single, free and freaky, then what would "Hot Girl Bummer" be?
Can kids copy someone better than adults trying to copy someone?
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people!
People who've been complimented on the weirdest things, what was it?
Whats the point of Tic-Tac-Toe?
Is my wife mean or I am just too soft?
How did we find out salt was edible?
Why does biting ice cream hurt but licking doesn't?
Why is reddit so quick to tell couples to break up?
Whats a time your pet, or someone's pet, outsmarted you?
Milk with pulp is better than OJ with pulp.
Each swear word now has a representative, material weapon.
Things I'm tired of people saying...
I am utterly disgusted by our politics.
Whats the opposite of short staffed?
What city was the Walrus trained to be a Pilot in WWII?
Are itch fetishes a real thing?
How much does the phrase "No Homo" accommodate for?