China :(
Ktoś się co to za konwój
Done. Zelenskyy left the White House.
IBS medication my doctor gave me seems kind of insulting.
Does codeine work every time it's taken?
Did I give myself schizophrenia? Very concerned
His eagle doesn't stand a chance
Jak him
Nicotine is more addictive than heroin
Okwikipedysta upośledzony
Took Atomoxetine/Straterra for 3 days
Outjerked by instsgram reels
got my first taste of stimulants
No effects from dxm hbr
why does it always have to be r/trees?
Broke my 2 month t break with ah live rosin dispo cart: this was the result
Hell nah
Benzos are peak drugs
Nicotije bad weed good
Ooooooo I just figured it out kill your eagle. Kill your ego
My favorite hairse scene
Best drug to anihhilate your eagle
Jesse, we need to go live on Twitch and cook
it's just a plant bro
I was prescribed lorazepam and can’t remember the past 3 days
On his way to become a bartard