Anyways go read house of leaves it's great
How can this thing be a 50$ set?!?
Upcoming BR boss codenamed "Coffee" (via @Wensoing)
Very serious question you must answer gray ship son or black car daughter
Honest opinions?
Who tf asked for this? 🤦💀
All hell naw spopcorn bop is goin to rink da grimeace hake
What is the lore behind Raven Team Leader?
Helmet Holes
thanks gang
I currently have a 2 day stalking contract with 2 people
Battle of the century
God guys, I can't wait to buy the 5th endgame final battle set, grey base included
This the most over size bike
I literally see no difference
Who is this why does he have a nose
“We need-“ SHUT UP, what’s your favourite man minifigure????
Do you guys think Hercules was originally going to be about Christianity and they changed it to Greek mythology somewhere down the line or nah
Can someone explain to me what the hell happened in Ninjago post-Season 7 (my dragons rising box won’t open unless I explain the lore to it 😔)
ill die a happy man
Ew better brick built then this