What's a name that's ruined forever for you, and why?
What would Linkedin posts look like if people were honest?
Voi ce specialitate de brutărie sunteți azi?
What's your worst case of sending a message to the wrong person or channel?
What's the most blatant case of plot armour ensuring a character survives?
What's something from the present times that you'd like to show a specific dead person?
Siren Isle quests
What's your AITA story where you're pretty sure in the right?
What's a SFW thing you could watch for hours?
What's the worst thing you *would* wish on your enemy?
What are some hesitant changes you made to your gameplay due to this subreddit?
If all written knowledge (including digital) disappeared overnight, what could we rewrite?
If all written knowledge (including digital) disappeared overnight, how much could we rewrite?
Which celebrity death would shock the world the most today?
Some people and things were ahead of their time. What appeared beyond its time?
What's a fictional or real man that is completely pure and well intended?
What was your biggest 'Oh fuck! Forgot about _____!' moment?
What was your biggest 'Oh fuck! I forgot about _____!' moment?
Are moving maps on planes and buses live?
What food is delicious in small amounts, but gross in big amounts?
People who proposed without being in a relationship, what was the context and how did it go?
Could anyone shed some light on why a plane was diverted twice today?
What's your go-to funny YouTube video to share with friends?
What actress in Hollywood is an underestimated beauty?
What are some subreddits where scrolling by current posts is better than top of the month/year?