I didn't understand, who were the good guys and who were the bad guys? Who am I supposed to root for?
What do you think of Hisao?
Why doesn't Meiya get an ending?
Why the age rating of DDLC Plus is 17+ while the original game had an 13+ rating?
Who is your favorite female character?
Which protagonist is so dangerous?
I've just finished Sumika's route and now I'm not certain which one should I play next...
OVAs from the 1990s were the pinnacle of mobile suit designs, making this the coldest take of the century.
I picked up this VN a few months ago... I had not seen the anime or read the story in any other format, so it was all new to me.
GQuuuuuuX mechanical designs (GQuuuuuuX early drafts, core fighter of Red Gundam and Zaku)
Just finished playing the Lunar and Terra routes of the game and decided that I would post my thoughts on both these routes.
What are people's opinions on Akatsuki no Kuruma?
We ARE the United States Government
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (1991)
I think Narcissu Side 2nd is better than Narcissu 1.
Is there any kind of happy ending in this? Y'know, like the way they had it in Clannad?
did you choose to kill or free Lorenzo?
I got a little confused on this one, so I would like to "discuss" this.
Please let me romance Travis
Which season were Titans at their scariest?
Is it possible to get a normal good ending?
I wanted to see how the Prydwen arrived at the airport, but I couldn't follow it on the ground fast enough. So I used console command TCL to sprint there in a straight line (as the crow flies).
Typical Setsuna...
I'm not disturbed by anything Kayneth said. He's the most sane person I've heard. He's right.