This movie is my secret pleasure
By the love of God Miyazaki, i play Souls game or Devil May Cry?!
Everyone have they own opinion about 'Hulk(2003)' but in this movie was most terrifying Dogs so far.
Melania hardest but not best Boss, what do you think?
The law of Bosses Fromsoftware is one: if after you killed Boss begin cutscene, there is a second stage.
It's always default John Shepard for me
patientgamers this is an elitist and shitty sub
Mini Bosses who harder than Main Bosses
wtf that homeless bruce lee?! Stronger than mohg.
OMG is that Miquella poor boy
I think everyone has a moment where you just die and die.
That 'bird' will be in my nightmare for sure
Most killing enemy in this game
Do american still using words like "Pal" or "Dude"?
Elden ring wolvies vs Dark souls 3 Wolves
The most secret part of Skyrim is how long does a torch burn
I am confused that people are unhappy with the Witcher Ciri
I've played Darksiders 3 like 3 hours and hate every second of it, but i love DS I and DS II.
'Blade' trillogy with Westley Snipes is Bomb🔥
Why do dogs bark at cars but cats don't, are they stupid?
Dragon Age Inquisition: Not enjoying the PC controls...
Limgrave is definitely best starting area