Most far left candidate?
1920 US Election Canon Endings
Which of the 2012 Republican candidates would've done the best against Obama?
We should make a 1912 US Election CYOA mod.
1916 Canon Endings
Everyone talks about Trump vs. Bernie, but who would've won this matchup in 2016?
What if Mitt Romney won the 2008 nomination? Who would his vice president? Could he do better than McCain?
What if Frank Lowden won the 1920 nomination? What would he do as president? What would his foreign policy look like? Would Hoover still become president?
Hypothetical 2000: Incumbent Bob Dole/Jack Kemp VS former VP Al Gore/Bob Graham.
Charles Evans Hughes wins the 1916 election. How do the following elections until 1932 go?
Suppose George HW Bush had died of illness after puking on the Japanese PM's lap. Who might President Dan Quayle pick as his VP / Running mate for '92? Here are some possibilities, though other suggestions are welcome too.
Which US presidents had the best chance of creating the biggest Republican/Democratic "dynasties"?
What would happen to the GOP If Hillary won (in terms of presidents and possible presidential candidates)
Who would you vote for in this matchup and why?