Got these guys as a painting project anyone got any painting tips for craft world iyanden
On pest control duty
Would you still play Space Marine 2 if it only had Ultramarines cosmetics?
Can chapters other than the Ultramarines wear the Honor Guard helmet?
He needs a hat. What hat would you get him?
What do you think is the scariest shot in the franchise?
Hopes and Dreams for the 11th Edition launch box
What do you guys want to see in Space Marine 2?
Another strange mix from me, this time it's the seal and Trice (based on Twitter post)
Some Dinosaurs from Blackpool zoo
Curious to see if you guys like this blade color scheme - Let me know!
Which Sabaton song is this for you?
Which Tyler song is this for you?
Rate my Firedrake conversion
Any suggestions for my first army?
Which head for my Eradicator sergeant?
Are these two balanced in a skirmish?
This Video made me think, what's your limit of excuse for Proxies ?
Anybody else notice this?
What is the difference between these two units? They're both listed as Termagants but they look different?
I’m thinking of using these as jump pack intercessors any tips on making these both more 40K and salamander
About British food
My boy is almost finished
After years of being away from it, I've jumped back into 40K. How'd I do?
My kitbashed Captain I completed just in time for my tournament yesterday. I won best painted army!